From 1e494f305a0112e24ba518735acb680caedf9b9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jonathan DeMasi Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2023 09:04:06 -0600 Subject: updates --- nvim/lua/jonathan/plugins/nvim-tree.lua | 251 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 236 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/nvim/lua/jonathan/plugins/nvim-tree.lua b/nvim/lua/jonathan/plugins/nvim-tree.lua index fc551e1..0f408f9 100644 --- a/nvim/lua/jonathan/plugins/nvim-tree.lua +++ b/nvim/lua/jonathan/plugins/nvim-tree.lua @@ -11,23 +11,244 @@ vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1 -- change color for arrows in tree to light blue vim.cmd([[ highlight NvimTreeIndentMarker guifg=#3FC5FF ]]) --- configure nvim-tree -nvimtree.setup({ - -- disable window_picker for - -- explorer to work well with - -- window splits - actions = { - open_file = { - window_picker = { + require("nvim-tree").setup { -- BEGIN_DEFAULT_OPTS + auto_reload_on_write = true, + disable_netrw = false, + hijack_cursor = false, + hijack_netrw = true, + hijack_unnamed_buffer_when_opening = false, + sort_by = "name", + root_dirs = {}, + prefer_startup_root = false, + sync_root_with_cwd = false, + reload_on_bufenter = false, + respect_buf_cwd = false, + on_attach = "default", + remove_keymaps = false, + select_prompts = false, + view = { + centralize_selection = false, + cursorline = true, + debounce_delay = 15, + width = 30, + hide_root_folder = false, + side = "left", + preserve_window_proportions = false, + number = false, + relativenumber = false, + signcolumn = "yes", + mappings = { + custom_only = false, + list = { + -- user mappings go here + }, + }, + float = { + enable = false, + quit_on_focus_loss = true, + open_win_config = { + relative = "editor", + border = "rounded", + width = 30, + height = 30, + row = 1, + col = 1, + }, + }, + }, + renderer = { + add_trailing = false, + group_empty = false, + highlight_git = false, + full_name = false, + highlight_opened_files = "none", + highlight_modified = "none", + root_folder_label = ":~:s?$?/..?", + indent_width = 2, + indent_markers = { + enable = false, + inline_arrows = true, + icons = { + corner = "└", + edge = "│", + item = "│", + bottom = "─", + none = " ", + }, + }, + icons = { + webdev_colors = true, + git_placement = "before", + modified_placement = "after", + padding = " ", + symlink_arrow = " ➛ ", + show = { + file = true, + folder = false, + folder_arrow = true, + git = false, + modified = false, + }, + glyphs = { + default = "📄", + symlink = "", + bookmark = "", + modified = "●", + folder = { + arrow_closed = "➕️", + arrow_open = "➖️", + default = "📁", + open = "📂", + empty = "📁 (empty)", + empty_open = "📂 (empty) >", + symlink = ">", + symlink_open = ">", + }, + git = { + unstaged = "✗", + staged = "✓", + unmerged = "", + renamed = "➜", + untracked = "★", + deleted = "", + ignored = "◌", + }, + }, + }, + special_files = { "Cargo.toml", "Makefile", "", "" }, + symlink_destination = true, + }, + hijack_directories = { + enable = true, + auto_open = true, + }, + update_focused_file = { enable = false, + update_root = false, + ignore_list = {}, }, - }, - }, - -- git = { - -- ignore = false, - -- }, -}) - + system_open = { + cmd = "", + args = {}, + }, + diagnostics = { + enable = false, + show_on_dirs = false, + show_on_open_dirs = true, + debounce_delay = 50, + severity = { + min = vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT, + max = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR, + }, + icons = { + hint = "", + info = "", + warning = "", + error = "", + }, + }, + filters = { + dotfiles = false, + git_clean = false, + no_buffer = false, + custom = {}, + exclude = {}, + }, + filesystem_watchers = { + enable = true, + debounce_delay = 50, + ignore_dirs = {}, + }, + git = { + enable = true, + ignore = true, + show_on_dirs = true, + show_on_open_dirs = true, + disable_for_dirs = {}, + timeout = 400, + }, + modified = { + enable = false, + show_on_dirs = true, + show_on_open_dirs = true, + }, + actions = { + use_system_clipboard = true, + change_dir = { + enable = true, + global = false, + restrict_above_cwd = false, + }, + expand_all = { + max_folder_discovery = 300, + exclude = {}, + }, + file_popup = { + open_win_config = { + col = 1, + row = 1, + relative = "cursor", + border = "shadow", + style = "minimal", + }, + }, + open_file = { + quit_on_open = false, + resize_window = true, + window_picker = { + enable = true, + picker = "default", + chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890", + exclude = { + filetype = { "notify", "packer", "qf", "diff", "fugitive", "fugitiveblame" }, + buftype = { "nofile", "terminal", "help" }, + }, + }, + }, + remove_file = { + close_window = true, + }, + }, + trash = { + cmd = "gio trash", + }, + live_filter = { + prefix = "[FILTER]: ", + always_show_folders = true, + }, + tab = { + sync = { + open = false, + close = false, + ignore = {}, + }, + }, + notify = { + threshold = vim.log.levels.INFO, + absolute_path = true, + }, + ui = { + confirm = { + remove = true, + trash = true, + }, + }, + experimental = {}, + log = { + enable = false, + truncate = false, + types = { + all = false, + config = false, + copy_paste = false, + dev = false, + diagnostics = false, + git = false, + profile = false, + watcher = false, + }, + }, + } -- END_DEFAULT_OPTS -- open nvim-tree on setup local function open_nvim_tree(data) -- cgit v1.2.3